The Wind in the Willows

Explain the ironic elements revealed till Chapter 4 in the novel The Wind in the Willows.

questions for students but want an answer myself

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One example of irony can be found in Chapter One, where Mole, who chooses for the most part to remain in the city, decides that he wants to adventure out of his comfort zone.

Another example of irony can be found in Mole's refusal to believe that he is ill-equipt for the journey. He asks for help, and yet, he is too immature to allow others to help him. His age and impetuousness get him into trouble, but the maturity of others.... Rat for example, teach Mole about respect and forgiveness. When Mole overturns the boat after pushing Rat way, Rat ironically responds differently than Mole expects.... he forgives him, and even offers Mole a place to live.


The Wind in the Willows