The Winslow Boy

What other attitudes, values, concerns, views, issues are expressed by the writer, and what is their impact on you as a reader?


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I personally appreciate Rattigan's presentation of loyalty... what it means to stand by someone through thick and thin. Ronnie is blessed with a family who believe in him and who know his character even when confronted with an accusation that he is dishonest. Catherine, his sister, does not even need to think about the accusations, she knows that they are untrue. Her father is also convinced of his son's innocence and does not think twice about challenging the government and the Navy in his defense. Sir Robert is not a family member but he is a loyal man. After realizing that Ronnie is innocent, he determines to represent him to the best of his ability and even turns down one of the top positions in government so that he can continue to represent Ronnie in court.


The Winslow Boy