The Yellow Wallpaper
In the ending of the story, what does the narrator now believe?
Page 778 of the book.
Page 778 of the book.
It's all pretty creepy. By the end of the story the narrator is pretty much bonkers. She thinks there are many women creeping around and she herself has come out of the wallpaper. She creeps around smudging wall paper around the room. John breaks the door down but faints when he sees his wife makes the word psycho sound normal. She just steps over him and resumes her creeping.
Throughout the story, the narrator believed that the wallpaper was trapping her inside. She has been working meticulously at removing the wallpaper for several days. The last day, she removes the rest of the wallpaper, and she believes she has escaped from behind the wallpaper and is free.
The peeling off of the wallpaper represents the decoding of her captivity from freedom and ultimately becomes the tangled up woman she has set free.