Their Eyes Were Watching God

What attitudes does Hurston prescribe towards Race? Gender? Family? Money?

i don't sp much

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Race: Hurston presents the concept of black autonomy.

Gender: The distinction between activities appropriate for men and those appropriate for women is strongly drawn in the first half of this novel. Janie is prohibited from speaking her mind, playing checkers, and attending mule funerals. Hurston suggests that these gender constructions are absurd, however. One of Tea Cake's most appealing characteristics is that he empowers Janie to break these rules. Tea Cake encourages her to work, play checkers, speak out, fish, and shoot a gun.

Family is not presented as an important concept in the novel. Family expectation are presented in relationship to Janie, as a daughter, wife, and the way she is seen as a rebel.

Hurston uses money..... or the love of, to divide the "good" and "bad" characters in this novel. Nanny, Logan, and, to a certain extent, Joe, all value goods because they see how hard it is for African-Americans to attain them. However, their goods only make these characters look foolish. Joe's golden spittoons are a pitiable attempt to approximate the fashions of his white former bosses. Hurston is careful to draw the connection between characters like Janie and Tea Cake and nature, rather than consumable goods.


Their Eyes Were Watching God