Their Eyes Were Watching God

what attitudes does hurston prescribe towards race, money, and family?

mrs. tuirners views of black people

janies financially stable but still likes to labor

janie mentions she hates nanny

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In addition to the basic premise that racism holds white men as inherently superior to blacks, the narrator presents the oppressed minority as a community whose constituents internalize and often propagate traditional racist notions. The novel shows a darker side of the black community, revealing sharp jealousy, racism based on skin color, mob mentality, and a desire to tear down their more successful peers. The most important aspect of race in this book, however, is that it attempts a holistic look at black southern culture. The novel highlights positive aspect of the culture, such as colorful storytelling, playful humor, and a love of fun. In contrast to the black characters, white characters tend to be cold, un-dynamic, and uninteresting.

Money and Social Class

Social class is often closely tied to one’s material wealth. However, the text seems to draw an inverse relationship between one’s social class and one’s morality. The poorer working classes are often depicted as more honest and decent than the wealthier middle and upper classes. With high social ranking comes power and the ability to manipulate less powerful people. While many aspire to move up the hierarchical ladder, the protagonist shows the folly of such ambitions; for her, a person’s position in society has no direct bearing on her happiness.
