Things Fall Apart

Things Fall Apart

Chapter 2

Why are all the men called into the market place for a meeting?

How does Okonkwo threaten his wives and children?

Why must Ikemefuna live with Okonkwo? How does Ikemefuna feel?

Chapter 3

According to Agbala, why do Unoka’s harvests fail? How do his failures affect Okonkwo?

Why does Nwakibie agree to give Okonkwo yams to plant?

How does the yam crop turn out this year? How does that affect Okonkwo?


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1) The ten thousand men of Umuofia gather in the marketplace. Ogbuefi Ezuogo, a powerful orator, gives the traditional opening: he faces four different directions, raising a clenched fist, and cries "Umuofia kwenu," to which the men all cry "Yaa!" He greets them this way a fifth time, and then he tells them that men from the neighboring village of Mbaino have killed a girl from Umuofia. The men discuss the situation, and decide to follow the normal course of action: the will issue an ultimatum, demanding a boy and a virgin as compensation.

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Things Fall Apart