To Build a Fire

According to the author, what is the man's trouble?


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From the text:

The trouble with him was that he was not able to imagine. He was quick and ready in the things of life, but only in the things, and not in their meanings.


To Build a Fire

On this question, there are 4 answer choices.

A) "The man is too arrogant and does not listen to those who are older and wiser."

B) "The man lacks a youthful appreciation for nature."

C) "The man does not have the necessary skills to survive."

D) "The man does not seriously consider the potential dangers of nature."

It is not A or B (I dont think). I chose D, but I am not certain.

He is too arrogant and refuses to take the advice of others. He also refuses to seriously consider the potential dangers of nature.... he believes himself invincible.