To Build a Fire

How does the setting of London's To Build Fire contribute to the plot?

I am just at a dead standstill, and have gone absolutely blank! I know the setting is in the cold, dark, harsh Yukon, but I'm having the hardest time with how to put that into words as to how it affects the man reaching the campsite where the rest of his crew is waiting. Please help me!!

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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You might want to look at the setting in terms of being an actual character..... you are correct in that the story is set in the Yukon, which is wild and unsettled, in addition to the frigid, winter landscape. The setting..... the environment, is the story's antagonist. It challenges the man at every turn, and the man is like an ignorant child, who believes he knows it all and knows nothing. The temperature will not relent, the snow will not disappear. The man's outlook is positive until he's proven wrong, but he isn't besting an opponent, he's being proven foolish by something he cannot control. The man believes his plan is foolproof, but nature is unpredictable. The miles that stretch between the man and the camp can be counted in distance, but the dangers they hold are countless.


To Build a Fire