To Build a Fire

The man seems optimistic about joining his friends by six in the evening. What are your thoughts on the matter?

Help im doing a project

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The man seems optimistic because he sees no barriers to his journey. He has no imagination. He has calculated the time of the journey, allowed for something to eat, and even believes that he can dry his things and still make it on time after breaking through the water. Up until the time of his death, the man still believes he can get to the camp..... you have to give him credit, as even in the darkest moments he never concedes failure.

He was angry and cursed his luck aloud. He had hoped to get into camp with the boys at six o’clock, and this would delay him an hour. Now he would have to build a fire and dry his moccasins and socks.
This was most important at that low temperature. He knew that much.


To Build a Fire