To Build a Fire

Which is a central idea of the passage?

Need to know.

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Last updated by billy b #511811
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Do you mean the whole story or particular passage? I would need the passage you are referring to.

Particular passage

I would need the passage you are referring to?

What do you mean?

You are asking for the central idea of a particular passage in the story. I do not know what passage you are referring to. A passage is a part in the story.

The question it says is what is the central idea of the passage i guess it is meaning what is the central idea of the whole passge of the store

Which statemnt best describes one way to the author creates tension in this passge?

I think the repetition of the cold reinforces the tension through the story. The narrator talks about the abnormal cold using intense imagery and language. The man, however keeps going despite all the warning signs that he should stop and make camp.

OKay, Thanks for the help.