To Kill a Mockingbird


One of the chief criticisms of To Kill a Mockingbird is that the two central storylines—Scout, Jem, and Dill's fascination with Boo Radley and the trial between Mayella Ewell and Tom Robinson—are not sufficiently connected in the novel. Do you think that Lee is successful in incorporating these different stories? Were you surprised at the way in which these story lines were resolved? Why or why not?

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Whether they are connected to one another or to the main themes should be the real question. Part of this story is about Scout growing up; her realization about the kind of person Boo Radley is and her understanding that all people should be treated kindly is a part of her maturity. In that way, the stories are connected; the story is of Scout, not of these people separately.

Surprised the way they were resolved? No. Tom Robinson could not have a good ending.

And the story of Bob Ewell? The way he attacks Scout and Jem is no surprise considering what a low-life person he has been shown to be in the beginning.

It was supposed to happen. The attack on the children was supposed to happen. I mean, we all knew it was gonna happen. And Boo is ****NOT**** a low-life person. He's just a guy who wants to have friends.