To Kill a Mockingbird

Aunt Alexandra goes back into the circle of women who have just insulted her brother. She is polite and courteous. What important lesson does Scout learn from her?

Aunt Alexandra goes back into the circle of women who have just insulted her brother. She is polite and courteous. What important lesson does Scout learn from her?

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Scout learns how to make a point without getting violent or making a scene. Aunt Alexandra points out that Miss Maudie is justified in challenging Mrs. Merriweather's "morality." Aunt Alexandra acknowledges Mrs. Maudie without being overtly forceful,.

She gave Miss Maudie a look of pure gratitude, and I wondered at the world of women. Miss Maudie and Aunt Alexandra had never been especially close, and here was Aunty silently thanking her for something. For what, I knew not. I was content to learn that Aunt Alexandra could be pierced sufficiently to feel gratitude for help given. There was no doubt about it, I must soon enter this world, where on its surface fragrant ladies rocked slowly, fanned gently, and drank cool water.