To Kill a Mockingbird

how do the townspeople view Atticus as compared to Bob Ewell?


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Atticus is respected by the townspeople. Even after he defends Tom Robinson the town. Although resentful, they still know that Atticus is an honorable man. The town hates Bob Ewell, they are just not ready to take am honest black man's word over even a Ewell.

Atticus is respected by the townspeople. Even after he defends Tom Robinson the town. Although resentful, they still know that Atticus is an honorable man. The town hates Bob Ewell, they are just not ready to take am honest black man's word over even a Ewell.

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Atticus is respected by the townspeople. Even after he defends Tom Robinson the town. Although resentful, they still know that Atticus is an honorable man. The town hates Bob Ewell, they are just not ready to take am honest black man's word over even a Ewell.