To Kill a Mockingbird

How is To Kill a Mockingbird made more powerful by having it told from the point of view of a child?

Would it a be as powerful a narrative had it been told from Jem's or Atticus' point of view? What about Scout makes her the ideal person to be telling this story?

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There is a sense of innocence from the point of view of a child. The point of view is first person. Scout's views on racial prejudice are largely formed as a result of the trial of Tom Robinson. Scout's life is relatively sheltered until the trial. She knows that blacks are segregated but their lives do not touch Scot except for Calpurnia. Calpurnia is their black housemaid who evolves into more of a mother figure as the novel progresses. Scout really isn't exposed to the harsh realities of bigotry until the trial. Here Scout encounters the taunting of kids and adults. She endures remarks about her father being a "nigger lover" and then finally the travesty of injustice that happens to Tom. For the most, Scout is confused by the racism. She just does not understand where the hate and bigotry comes from. She has a buffer from this harsh world in Atticus but even his gentle explanations are not enough. I think that Scout loses much of her innocence because of racial intolerance.

Agreed Aslan.


Thomas Wilson