To Kill a Mockingbird

is scout more like atticus


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Scout shares traits with Atticus but if we are comparing kids, I'd say Jem shares more traits. Certainly Scout has an awareness of right and wrong. She is quick to act if she sees unfairness. Jem however is calmer and weighs options in his head. He is more analytical than Scout.

Scout shares traits with Atticus but if we are comparing kids, I'd say Jem shares more traits. Certainly Scout has an awareness of right and wrong. She is quick to act if she sees unfairness. Jem however is calmer and weighs options in his head. He is more analytical than Scout.

Scout shares traits with Atticus but if we are comparing kids, I'd say Jem shares more traits. Certainly Scout has an awareness of right and wrong. She is quick to act if she sees unfairness. Jem however is calmer and weighs options in his head. He is more analytical than Scout.