To Kill a Mockingbird

What is the community like in Maycomb?

Do they care about eachother? Is it a tight community? Does everybody know about other people's business? Please give page references and chapter references!

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The Maycomb community is a typical Southern community during the Depression. Money is tight, unemployment high. The community isn't tight per se; there is a division between those classes considered to be elite (Scout's family would be one of these even though they're far from wealthy). Scout's aunt places importance on breeding and background, "gentle breeding," believing family history and separated her family from the rest of the town. Farm families would come in behind the elite and black families even lower.

Blacks and whites didn't socialize, attend the same functions, and a white man's word would always be taken over a black mans.It was said that prejudice and religion fit into Maycomb “like a hand into a glove.” And yes, everyone knew everyone's business.


To Kill A Mockingbird

Yee Buddy, Hey yall ima farmer back in da Maycomb. So basically unemployment and great depression. Plus segregation.



nope don't agree w/me cuz ima farmer




