Touching Spirit Bear

the rest of chapter 12 describes a dream - like sequence of coles rescue.

What I'd the authors intention? Is it effective? Why or why not?

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After rubbing the bear's shoulder, Cole sees him walk over to the stream and enter the water to swim away towards the bay. From that moment forward, Cole begins to appreciate the beauty of the scene around him, the plants, the seagulls, and the seals and other sea creatures. As Cole drifts away in pain and slumber, he hears voices around him as he is disoriented. It turns out that it is Edwin, who has brought him to his skiff and is taking him to safety to heal. Garvey also was there with him, calling him “Champ” as he always did. In the Drake nursing station, everyone was astounded that he had even survived, but Cole simply declares, “I am okay,” despite his horrible state.

Through this sequence, the illustrates the theme of redemption. Cole makes peace with the bear, prepares himself for death, and finally, through redemption goes onto live..... a form of ressurection. This narrative of redemption or “resurrection” is a constant theme throughout Western literature dating back to images of the Christ figure, and after the reconciliation of Cole and the bear, Cole is offered the chance to reconstruct his life.

These intensely psychological and harrowing chapters are really the entrance point to the broader process of healing that is going on in Cole already and will continue throughout the rest of the novel, and for this reason, they are truly essential turning points of the novel as a whole.
