Touching Spirit Bear

Touching Spirit Bear Chap 18 questions

When Garvey, Edwin and Cole were watching the whales, what did Edwin decide to do that evening?

Why wouldn't Garvey or Edwin help Cole build his new cabin?

What were some of Cole's responsibilities on the island to prepare for his banishment?

Who paid for all of the new supplies and cabin materials? How?

Why did Edwin insist that Cole do the whale dance?

What does each person do after his dance?

Why didn't Edwin have Cole dance an anger dance to release his anger,yet?

Cole wanted to skip a day of going to the water. When did Edwin say he could do that?

Describe what Edwin had Cole do to meet his ancestors and why he did it.

Once the rock is set down it becomes your _____________. Rolling it down the hill what was cole to imagine?

please list all answers like 1,2,3, etc.

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Last updated by Sky B #1359110
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1) Edwin insists that they do a whale dance.

2) Garvey and Edwin make Cole build the cabin himself because he destroyed the first cabin that they helped him to build. He set it on fire.

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Touching Spirit Bear