Touching Spirit Bear

What is Rosie's philosophy of life?

Touching Spirit Bear

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Last updated by Harry D #1348356
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Cole asks Rosey why she is helping him. Rosey replies that, "Why live if you can't help others and make the world a better place." Ch.13

so how does that show philosophy of life?

That is her phelosophy: helping others to make the world a better place. 

ok thnx


Rosie’s philosophy of life revolves around the idea of living with purpose, kindness, and resilience. She believes in embracing challenges as opportunities for growth and cherishing each moment with gratitude. Rosie emphasizes the importance of compassion, both towards oneself and others, advocating for a balanced life filled with love, learning, and positivity. By staying true to one’s values and being open to change, she suggests that anyone can lead a fulfilling and meaningful life.

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