
Trifles contains several important symbols. In literature, a symbol is something that represents something else, and is often used to communicate deeper levels of meaning. What is one of the important symbols in Trifles? How does Glaspell use this symbol


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One of the main symbols in the story, Trifles, is the dirty kitchen towel that leads George to accuse her of being lax in her housekeeping. The towel and the kitchen, however, serve as a symbol of Minnie's distress... her inability to perform her normal duties.

Dirty towels! (Kicks his foot against the pans under the sink.) Not much of a housekeeper, would you say, ladies?

MRS. HALE (who is standing by the table). Well, I don’t see any signs of anger around here. (she puts her hand on the dish towel which lies on the table, stands looking down at the table, one half of which is clean, the other half messy.) It’s wiped here. (Makes a move as if to finish work, then turns and looks at loaf of bread outside the breadbox. Drops towel. In that voice of coming back to familiar things. ) Wonder how they are finding things upstairs? I hope she had it a little more there. You know, it seems kind of sneaking. Locking her up in town and then coming out here and trying to get her own house to turn against her!

