Tuesdays With Morrie

The fifth tuesday- sixth tuesday

How is Morrie’s family important to him? Why does he feel this way?

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On the fifth Tuesday, Mitch suggested a discussion on family. Morrie surrounded himself with photos of the family around his house. There is a metonymy here, using the word foundation to represent that your family is the ground upon which you stand on. In a moment of allegory, Morrie quotes the poet W.H. Auden saying, “Love each other or perish.” He says his disease would be unbearable if he was divorced or childless. Friends would stop by, but it would not be the same. Nothing else will give you that devotion, including money, fame, not work.

Mitch reflects on his life. He has no children. Morrie says he's not trying to tell Mitch what to do, but in his mind, having children shows you how to love and bond in the deepest way possible. He says he wouldn't change this for anything in the world.

