Twelfth Night

Does Olivia Regret sending Malvolio to give the ring to Viola? Please give a bit of evidence

Does Olivia Regret sending Malvolio to give the ring to Viola? Please give a bit of evidence

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Olivia apologizes for the confusion she brought upon Viola with sending the ring; then, Olivia confesses her affection for Viola/ Cesario, and begs to know if Viola does indeed feel the same way. Viola says no, then asks again if Olivia will have anything to do with Orsino; Olivia is constant in her lack of response to Orsino, but makes one last attempt to win Cesario over. Viola warns Olivia as best she can, telling Olivia that "I am not what I am," though Olivia does not guess at the statement's real meaning (III.i.139). Of course she is unsuccessful, and Viola leaves ‹but not without an entreaty to return.
