
How much and what kind of reading do most people consider enough according to Thoreau ? How much and what kind would Thoreau think is enough, and why? Give examples from the chapter.

From the book

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Thoreau felt that reading was vital to develop soul and intellect. He felt people must pick and choose what books they want to invest in and then give that book the time and respect that it deserves.

To read well, that is, to read true books in a true spirit, is a noble exercise, and one that will task the reader more than any exercise which the customs of the day esteem. It requires a training such as the athletes underwent, the steady intention almost of the whole life to this object. Books must be read as deliberately and reservedly as they were written. It is not enough even to be able to speak the language of that nation by which they are written, for there is a memorable interval between the spoken and the written language, the language heard and the language read.”