Walk Two Moons

How did the sight of a newborn calf help Sal cope with life after her mother left?

How did the sight of a newborn calf help Sal cope with life after her mother left?

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The sight of the newborn calf made Sal realize that she could be happy without her mother.

One day, about two weeks after she had left, I was standing against the fence watching a new-born calf wobble on its thin legs. It tripped and
wobbled and swung its big head in my direction and gave me a sweet, loving look. 'Oh!' I thought. 'I am happy at this moment in time.' I was surprised that I knew this all by myself, without my mother there. And that night in bed, I did not cry. I said to myself, 'Salamanca Tree Hiddle, you can be happy without her.' It seemed a mean thought and I was sorry for it, but it felt true.


Walk Two Moons