Walt Whitman: Poems
O Captain! My Captain!
Why do people feel as though they have such close, emotionally extreme relationships with their political leaders?
Asked by
abigail r #632143
Last updated by
jill d #170087
Why do people feel as though they have such close, emotionally extreme relationships with their political leaders?
This question calls for your own opinion or personal experience. There is no right or wrong answer. In my opinion, people have a personal connection to their political leaders for a few different reasons. First, our leaders represent us. It's our job to educate ourselves on their policies, their personal beliefs, and their methods of governance. In our modern age, we are consistently made aware of out leaders actions. Media brings what they say and do, how they act, what they ate for breakfast, and who they have dinner to our immediate attention for consumption. Because of this, we begin to feel as if we know them.