Where the Red Fern Grows

What does Little Anne do that foreshadows something has happened to Grandpa? What happens to Grandpa?

What does Little Anne do that foreshadows something has happened to Grandpa. What happens to Grandpa?

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From the text:

I couldn't hold back the tears. My grandfather was lost and wandering in that white jungle of cane. Screaming for him, I started back.
Papa caught me. He shouted, "Don't do that."
I tried to tear away from him but his grip on my arm was firm.
"Shoot the gun," the judge said.
Papa shot time after time. It was useless. We got no answer.
Little Ann came up out of the washout. She stood and stared at me. Turning, she disappeared quickly in the thick cane. Minutes later we heard her. It was a long, mournful cry.
The only times I had ever heard my little dog bawl like that were when she was baying at a bright Ozark moon, or when someone played a French harp or a riddle close to her ear. She didn't stop until we reached her.

Grandpa lay as he had fallen, face down in the icy sleet.


Where the Red Fern Grows