
Who Invented Homework and Why?

I’ve always wondered—who actually invented homework, and more importantly, why? What was the original purpose behind assigning work outside of class? Was it meant to help students learn better, or was it just a way to keep us busy? Honestly, sometimes it feels like endless stress with no real benefit. What’s your take on this?

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Last updated by Jessica J #1358751
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The purpose of homework was never just to keep students busy - it was to extend learning beyond the classroom. Roberto Nevelis is often credited with formalising the idea of homework to help students practice and reinforce lessons. It may be difficult, but the goal has always been academic improvement.

Honestly, I think homework was invented by teachers who wanted to see us suffer. Just kidding! But seriously, I think homework can be helpful, but too much of it can be exhausting.

I, on the other hand, love homework. I can't do it without it. Homework not only helps to consolidate the material covered, but also develops self-discipline and time management skills. In addition, it provides an opportunity to delve into topics that interest students and contributes to a deeper understanding of the subject.