York Mystery Plays

I want to write a paper about the york play of the crucifixion but I do not know what to write about exactly

it is so vague for me that I cannot find the root of the play and write a paper about it.

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The first thing you should do is understand the play. If it makes no sense, find a good summary. THen you need to narrow your topic. Pick something that stands out for you. So, for example, consider what the characters might represent. You might write something like,

The characters in the play represent the extreme ends of mercy. The soldiers and Jesus are diametrically opposed to this point. On the one hand, there are the soldiers who are trying to perform an execution with the most pain possible. They are annoyed, however, when they see that their efforts have not phased the will of their victim who does not dread a painful death, but instead, continues to be concerned with humanity (62-64)

Whatever you do, make sure you find the info that helps you understand exactly what you are writing about! Hope that helps a little. See source-link below, it might help.

