All That Heaven Allows Summary

All That Heaven Allows Summary

All that Heaven Allows is a 1955 romantic melodrama, directed by Douglas Sirk. Starring Jane Wyman and Rock Hudson, this film tells the story of Cory Scott, an affluent widow who falls in love with her gardener. The couple is met with disapproval from Cary's peers, resulting in a turbulent relationship.

Set in New England in the 20th Century, this film explores attitudes about class and position in society, in relation to the relationship between Cary and Ron. While Cary spends her time visiting country clubs and enjoying the finer things in life, Ron is not concerned with materialism and shows her a different side to life.

Despite their differences, the love between Ron and Cary blossoms, resulting in Ron proposing. Cary accepts but is disheartened to discover her peers and family believe he is beneath her station. As a result, she decides to end the engagement, and they part ways. However, when Cary's children leave home, she woefully regrets her decision to leave Ron. When Ron experiences a terrible accident, Cary changes her mind and sits by his bedside.

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