American Dirt Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

American Dirt Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Javier Crespo Fuentes as a symbolism of Drug Empire

Javier's action to massacre Lydia's family symbolizes the authority of the drug empire in Mexico. The reader learns that drug dealers are powerful people who have various connections within the country because they can do anything, including killing people without any action taken against them. For instance, Lydia's family is wiped out without the help of government authorities.

Symbolism of victimization

Lydia and her son are symbols of victimization. When drug dealers are exposed, they turn to innocent souls to scare society from ever exposing their deals. Lydia's husband is the one who exposes Javier, but he goes ahead to kill every member of the family to instill fear in society. Therefore, drug dealers are feared and respected because they are untouchables.

Coyotes as agents of system corruption

Coyotes are the border agents who aid illegal immigrants to cross into the United States of America. Consequently, coyotes are symbols of corruption. Lydia is forced to pay cash to a coyote to access the U.S.A. Readers learn that crooked elements in the borderlines help illegal immigrants gain access to the U.S.A. without detection.

Patrol Drone (Symbol of intelligence)

The U.S.A.'s patrol drones symbolize advanced intelligence, which helps the border patrol officers trace down illegal activities on the border. Therefore, advanced technology plays a critical role in promoting border patrols and intelligence to curb illegal immigration. However, Lydia manages to maneuverer and get into the U.S.A. without detection.

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