And the Mountains Echoed Background

And the Mountains Echoed Background

And the Mountains Echoed is the third novel written by Khaled Hosseini in 2013. It was published on May 21, 2013. The book is written in the genre of historical drama. It won the Goodreads Choice Award in the category "Fiction" and Paris Review Best of the Best title in 2013. The book has been published in 80 countries, and the world editions of all of Hosseini’s books amounted to more than 38 million copies.

1952: it’s a starry night in the desert, and a father tells the Afghan parable to his son and daughter. They have settled for the night in the mountains, on their way to Kabul. Holding their breath, Abdullah and little Paris listen to the story about how one boy was stolen by a terrible div, and the poor child had the worst fate in the world. And this parable to some extent becomes prophetic, as soon as their lives change - the brother and sister soon have the same, and they will be forced to separate for a very long time.

The next morning the father and the children are still on their way to Kabul, and this day is a junction in their destinies. They would part, and probably forever. The separation of brother and sister will give rise to several intertwining stories. And in the center of the cobweb of life - Paris, betrothed not in honor of the French capital, but because fairies are called so on the Farsi.

Khaled Hosseini’s novel is clear, shrill, and vociferous, it’s about the fact that any decision made for another person - for the sake of good or evil - has a price, and the fate certainly will give a bill for everything. This is a novel about the power of cheap words and valuable acts, about treachery of life destination, the inevitability of retribution, about noisy cowardice and silent devotion.

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