Aphra Behn: Poems Poem Text

Aphra Behn: Poems Poem Text

Angellica’s Lament (Excerpt)

Had I remained in innocent security,

I should have thought all men were born my slaves,

And worn my power like lightning in my eyes,

To have destroyed at pleasure when offended.

The Disappointment (Excerpt)


ONE Day the Amarous Lisander,

By an impatient Passion sway'd,

Surpris'd fair Cloris, that lov'd Maid,

Who cou'd defend her self no longer ;

All things did with his Love conspire,

The gilded Planet of the Day,

In his gay Chariot, drawn by Fire,

Was now descending to the Sea,

And left no Light to guide the World,

But what from Cloris brighter Eyes was hurl'd.


In alone Thicket, made for Love,

Silent as yielding Maids Consent,

She with a charming Languishment

Permits his force, yet gently strove ?

Her Hands his Bosom softly meet,

But not to put him back design'd,

Rather to draw him on inclin'd,

Whilst he lay trembling at her feet;

Resistance 'tis to late to shew,

She wants the pow'r to say — Ah!what do you do?


Her bright Eyes sweat, and yet Severe,

Where Love and Shame confus'dly strive,

Fresh Vigor to Lisander give :

And whispring softly in his Ear,

She Cry'd — Cease — cease — your vain desire,

Or I'll call out — What wou'd you do ?

My dearer Honour, ev'n to you,

I cannot — must not give — retire,

Or take that Life whose chiefest part

I gave you with the Conquest of my Heart.

The Dream (Excerpt)

All trembling in my arms Aminta lay,

Defending of the bliss I strove to take;

Raising my rapture by her kind delay,

Her force so charming was and weak.

The soft resistance did betray the grant,

While I pressed on the heaven of my desires;

Her rising breasts with nimbler motions pant;

Her dying eyes assume new fires.

Epitaph on the Tombstone of a Child, the Last of Seven that Died Before (Excerpt)

This Little, Silent, Gloomy Monument,

Contains all that was sweet and innocent ;

The softest pratler that e'er found a Tongue,

His Voice was Musick and his Words a Song ;

Which now each List'ning Angel smiling hears,

Such pretty Harmonies compose the Spheres;

Wanton as unfledg'd Cupids, ere their Charms

Love Armed (Excerpt)

Song from Abdelazar

Love in Fantastic Triumph sat,

Whilst Bleeding Hearts around him flowed,

For whom Fresh pains he did Create,

And strange Tyrannic power he showed;

From thy Bright Eyes he took his fire,

Which round about, in sport he hurled;

But ’twas from mine he took desire

Enough to undo the Amorous World.

Love's Witness (Excerpt)

Slight unpremeditated Words are borne

By every common Wind into the Air;

Carelessly utter’d, die as soon as born,

And in one instant give both Hope and Fear:

Breathing all Contraries with the same Wind

According to the Caprice of the Mind.

- Aphra Behn

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