College Application Essays accepted by American University

American University

“Where from?”

“United States”

“WELL-COME,” joyously declared a little kid from a Bedouin tribe in Jordan. Surrounded by ancient tombs, a sandy landscape, and locals wrapped in head scarves selling items from their tents, I felt out of place. Yet,...

American University

Title IX became important to me at a sleepover in the 9th grade, when a friend’s mother informed me that its 40th birthday was approaching. As a severely unathletic teenager, I was initially disinterested in a 37-word ploy to get me involved in...

American University

Two cars collide. Shattered glass flies everywhere. As much as you want to turn away, you stand transfixed by the chaos. That’s what it was like hearing my friend Sara’s life story.

The first day, it was her emergency room visits for the holes in...

American University

Standing knee-deep in clear water, I peer at the minnows swimming lazily around my toes.

“Help, Daddy, there’s a Mexican!” wails a curly-haired girl from the security of a bright pink inflatable ring. Her pointed finger indicates to all the target...

American University

Little grains of rice, smothered in my mom’s pomegranate-walnut stew, danced around in my mouth as my mind strayed away from my hectic day. Our shadows remained beneath us at the dinner table as the kitchen lights burned a picture of what I wouldn...

American University

From my upbringing in Northern Ireland, a small corner of the world, I’ve learnt that it’s possible to catch pneumonia and get sunburnt in the course of one afternoon, so I always over pack. So too have I discovered that “I’ll pop the kettle on”...

American University

“Does Mr. Fishy go up, up, up or down, down, down?”

I ask my class as I lay a plastic toy fish on top of the water.

“Up, up, up!” a little boy named John exclaims.

“That’s right! Mr. Fishy goes up, up, up like we do!” I tell my class.

A plastic...

American University

In a world where odds often dictate outcomes, consider the curious case of a piano and its player: 88 keys versus 10 fingers. In almost any other scenario, such odds would be laughable – imagine a soccer team fielding 88 players against 10, or a...

American University

It was a moment of surreal disbelief, standing amidst the bright lights and resounding applause. My feet hurt, I was hungry, and one of the fake lashes that I had painstakingly glued on was causing my eye to itch. I just had a few more minutes of...

American University

This summer, I fell for someone. Her name? India. This is our story:

In line with the classic enemies-to-lovers trope, we started as haters. Growing up, I dreaded the trip my family took to India every five years. I hated how dirty it was. I hated...

American University

“But I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake!” we screamed at the top of our lungs as we danced and shook our bodies to the beat of the music, realizing we had just been on a three-hour long roller coaster of song, dance, emotion, and wonder with...