Columbia Engineering - why FU?

For applicants to The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, please tell us what from your current and past experiences (either academic or personal) attracts you specifically to the field or fields of study that you noted in the Member Questions section.

One afternoon, I bought a cheap Lego kit off the street. The bright colored blocks fitted naturally, forming a miniature Qutub-Minar, leaning like the real one. That marked a life-long marriage between me and Mechanical Engineering.

My interest increased when, in class, my teacher explained a Heat Engine using a Drinking Bird model, the red liquid rhythmically rising in its body with each bob.The toy cars unveiled their secrets on examining their gears. Similar examples revealed themselves as I studied Mechanics in Physics, and Industrial-chemistry in Chemistry. Online Courses took me beyond my IB course, as I learnt of Astronomy and Number-Theory.

Mechanical engineering formed a major part of all my internships. Seatech, Rajkot, exposed me to the overhauling of marine engines, revealing their intricate functioning. My internship with Atul Auto, at Rajkot, demanded first-hand resolutions to manufacturing process problems, such as reflexively redirecting the gas-flow to contain leakage from ruptured pipes.

Such a research project introduced me to interdisciplinary study in Engineering, as I investigated the efficiency of Solar Bottle lights as a cheap alternative for light bulbs. My ongoing research on truss bridge structuring...

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