My World of Engineering

What is the world you come from?

Before signing up for Computer Science, I had never seen what a code looked like. But suddenly, I found myself fluent in the language of Python. While the other students stewed n frustration, for me, everything had clicked.

It wasn’t until a few months into my Computer Science class that I understood how my new skills fit into the world I come from: a world of engineering. My father had always been one to push my interest in all things machine-related. Though an unemployed mechanical engineer, he always gave me the best he could in whatever endeavor I decided to chase after. When I struggled with truss calculations in Engineering, he was more than happy to learn simple mechanics all over again. He’d sit Googling for about twenty minutes before calling me over to explain. Every time he elaborated on a new concept, a twinkle of passion would appear in his eyes. The more lessons he explained, the more mesmerized I became with everything about the world of engineering. And it wasn’t long until I felt the same twinkle.

Much like my father, my mother also encouraged my interest in engineering. However, her approach was unlike those of other parents. Instead of falling asleep to bedtime stories about trolls and princesses, I got to...

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