Potential to Contribute

Tell us about a talent, experience, contribution, or personal quality you will bring to the University of California.

"Cold weather means nothing. Rainy days don't matter. And a national holiday means two practices instead of one."

Although the author is unknown to me, that quote has been my mantra for the past several years. Most people look forward to a holiday, viewing it as a well deserved time to relax and take a break from their normal routine of work or school. I, however, look forward to a holiday because it gives me the opportunity to work harder at what I love best: swimming.

Swimming has been the constant in my life from which all else, except class time, is structured. My practice schedule dictates when I sleep, rise, eat, and study. It puts limitations on my social activities, increases the mileage on the odometer of my Honda Civic, and allows me to consume more calories than the average teenager without expanding my waistline.

My life's passion even inspired my choice of a part-time job. Although lifeguarding may not be my ultimate career choice, it has been a wonderful learning experience. Besides earning money, it allows me to put my swimming skills to good use and just knowing that I have the potential to save a life is rewarding. I have also learned many lifetime skills such as responsibility and cooperation by...

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