College Application Essays accepted by University of Miami

University of Miami

My transition from a mermaid to a scientist wasn’t necessarily my choice, but boy am I glad it happened.

“Five more minutes, dad!” was all you heard, and wrinkled hands waving frantically in the air were all you saw. I remember splashing around...

University of Miami

For as long as I can remember, my mother has been a singer in my church. I would tag along with her each week to watch the worship band rehearse, and I can recall just sitting there, absorbing the music, with my eyes always fixed on the drum set....

University of Miami

“Miss? Why are you here?” I look down to see a little child tugging on my pant leg. The children at the Educational Theatre Company (ETC) think I am older than I am, so I often get questions like these from students who think I am wiser than my...

University of Miami

The Chevron was always my favorite. A basic V-shaped design, it is one of the first patterns that a novice would learn. Most beginners are quick to move on from the Chevron upon its mastery and proceed to designs that are more complex. But even...

University of Miami

It took two hours to get home, a three mile drive that should have taken a few minutes. A drive we’d made countless times without thinking. But things were different now. Everything was different now. Dad presented his license to the National...

University of Miami

Like any toddler, I despised my car seat; I’d arch my back and defiantly kick my feet as Mom strapped me in. Finally accepting my fate, I’d sulk throughout the drive to ensure Mom understood my frustration. One day, however, this scene played out...

University of Miami

I clock my final break on a brutally hot June Thursday. Stepping outside for a phone call, I have one thing on my mind: what is Saturday’s verdict? Dave, my Eagle Project counselor, has been corresponding with Portland Parks and Recreation (PPAR)...

University of Miami

Starting in a dark, unknown place full of ‘enemies’, after passing the initial area, you will approach a desolate but welcoming town. Elderbug startles all travelers who enter Dirthmouth. Everything seems as simple as just traveling and meeting...

University of Miami

In 3rd grade, I used to carry a copy of my passport to school. My after-school program teacher once asked me where I was from. “The US,” I replied. She dismissed my answer, insisting “Where are you really from?” Tired of the constant dismissal and...

University of Miami

A globe of diverging genres. An all-encompassing haven that houses birthdays, family time, dates, anniversaries, or simply satisfies a cinephile’s weekly cravings. My thirst for continual experiences within the realms of comfort and tranquility...