Psychology Personal Statement

Why do you want to study psychology at the University of Washington

She won't even look at me. She has a cold aura surrounding her. I feel judged. I feel like I’m being held against my will and tested for some mental illness. I shift uncomfortably in my seat. I wish she could understand. I wish she would listen or at least fake it. I feel alone. Shut off. I tell myself I’ll never be this way, without empathy, that I'll never do this to a 12-year-old child or any person who walks through my door and needs my help.

Comprehending and relating to a patient’s life and recognizing his or her challenges makes it easier to work towards a positive outcome, always an important goal in a therapeutic relationship. In the many branches of psychology and medicine, professionals who bring empathy, support and compassion to their professions will make the ultimate impact. Fortunately, my mother decided fairly quickly that Dr. “A” was not a good fit and said “I think Katie will be better”. I didn't believe her. I felt traumatized and never wanted to see another psychologist. Somehow, I managed to be impartial; we were trying, after all. But after being hauled across the country and ripped away from my friends, I was heartbroken and bitter. Why did we have to move to this little shoebox of an island? I missed my...

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