College Application Essays accepted by Villanova University

Villanova University

What makes a human tick? The brain, the mind, the personality? Why do we act the way that we do? How do we sense and perceive the world around us?

I am an inquisitive person. A trait I believe to be very important in the field of psychology. I...

Villanova University

I assume kicking position. My fists held near my chest as I stare down my enemy and consider all the things that could go wrong: kicking the holder's hands, injuring my foot or leg, and worst of all, facing the humiliation of not breaking the...

Villanova University

Two cars collide. Shattered glass flies everywhere. As much as you want to turn away, you stand transfixed by the chaos. That’s what it was like hearing my friend Sara’s life story.

The first day, it was her emergency room visits for the holes in...

Villanova University

What if you were eighty-one years old when you saw a photo of yourself for the first time? Elma was.

We sounded joyless as we warbled, “Take me out to the balllllgame, take me out to the crowwdd, buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks…” our voices...

Villanova University

Sophomore year: I had just returned from a home football game. There, I had shouted and cheered, but the vibe changed once I arrived at my house, hearing chaos behind my parents’ doors. There was tension within my family. I had just conducted my...

Villanova University

As I finished up my time in grade school, I had a long conversation with my band director. Bluntly, he stated that when I was in 4th grade, I was “the worst drummer this band program has ever seen.” To this day, I still take this as my greatest...

Villanova University

Often, when I speak I have a slight stutter. I am accustomed to spending hours pacing my room, practicing a confrontation in my head, attempting to predict how the other person may retaliate, all in the hope that I won’t stumble on my words. Up...

Villanova University

In 3rd grade, I used to carry a copy of my passport to school. My after-school program teacher once asked me where I was from. “The US,” I replied. She dismissed my answer, insisting “Where are you really from?” Tired of the constant dismissal and...