Arrival (2016 Film) Irony

Arrival (2016 Film) Irony


Louise has perceived her daughter's death in the near future once she learns the heptapod language. This is seemingly a curse. Ironically, it becomes a blessing as well when Louise perceives a way to stop Shang from launching an attack on the heptapods from the future meeting she has with the Chinese General.

Phone Call

Louise has been told to shut down communication with the Chinese forces as they have entered war mode. Ironically, she does not listen to Agent Halpern's order as she knows the only way to stop the war is to contact China's General Shang which she does in direct disobedience.


Rogue soldiers have decided to plant a bomb in the heptapods ship in order to destroy them and their vessel. Ironically, Louise and Ian do not know this and enter anyway. They are saved by one of the heptapods who loses their life in order to protect them.


General Shang has decided to go to war with the heptapods because he's translated their message as "Use weapon." This to him is a sign of war. Ironically, the Chinese have mis-translated the statement as it actually is meant to be "Offer weapon."

Embrace It

Louise knows the journey of her daughter's life, and how it will come to an all-too early end. Ironically, she chooses to have her child despite the reality of her impending death. As she chooses to embrace it rather than not.

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