The Atlantis Gene (The Origin Mystery, Book 1) was written by A.G. Riddle and has sold over a million copies within the U.S. Riddle captivates his readers by telling a story about uncovering human origins as well as human evolution. He speaks of...
The Atlantis Plague (The Origins Mystery, Book 2) was written by science fiction author A.G. Riddle. He is the same author who wrote and published The Atlantis Gene (The Origins Mystery, Book 1) in 2015. This book, of his science fiction trilogy,...
The Atlantis World (The Origins Mystery, Book 3) was written by fiction author A.G. Riddle. This is the last book of The Origins Mystery trilogy. In this final installment, a team of explorers takes a wild journey across space and time to discover...
The novel Departure is the first standalone novel written by the American writer A.G. Riddle.
The novel follows the trilogy The Atlantis Gene written a few years before the novel Departure. Just like in the series Atlantis, the novel Departure is...