The Fixer is a book written by Bernard Malamud in 1966. The book revolves mainly around the character of Bok, who is a Jewish handyman living in Russia. A Christian boy is murdered and Bok is blamed for the murder - accused of murdering the boy as...
Bernard Malamud likely was best known for his novel The Natural before the Robert Redford film adaptation hit movie screens. Since then, The Natural is almost certainly the author’s most famous work of fiction. Despite the fact that his...
The novel The Natural was published in 1952 by the American writer Bernard Malamud; it marks the writer’s debut in the literary field and the start of his literary career. While Bernard Malamud published short stories before the novel, The Natural...
Bernard Malamud was an American author born on April 26, 1914 in Brooklyn, New York. He came from a humble background considering his parents were both Russian immigrants and he worked everyday as a teacher’s assistant to support his family. After...