“The Babysitter” continues to stand up as one of Robert Coover’s most-often anthologized short stories. The story first showed up as part of Coover’s collection of stories published in 1969 under the title Pricksongs & Descants: Fictions. A...
Robert Coover is an American novelist, regarded as one of the most prominent figures in the genre of metafiction. He was born in Iowa in 1932, and later studied at Indiana University, where in 1953 he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Slavic...
When people talk about the long arm of political power and someone treats such a proposition dismissively, it helps to know the story of Robert Coover’s novel The Public Burning. The book is primarily told through the first-person perspective of...
The Universal Baseball Associations, Inc. J. Henry Waugh Prop., written by Robert Coover, was originally published by Random House in 1968. The novel is a dark comedy, in which harrowing themes are portrayed humorously. The main character of the...
“The Waitress” is a short story by Robert Coover first published in the May 19, 2014 issue of the New Yorker magazine. It is a very short, breezy fairy tale about a waitress who has grown tired of being ogled by all the men who come into the diner...