Rudolph Fisher only wrote his short story City of Refuge because he wanted to read something that was an accurate representation of day-to-day life in Harlem during the Harlem Renaissance. :The story first appeared in The Atlantic Monthly in...
The Conjure Man Dies is a novel written in 1932 by African American author Rudolph Fisher. It tells the curious story of a mystic who is murdered, only to apparently come back to life. 'N. Frimbo is discovered dead at his conjure table and his...
"John Archer's Nose" is a short story by the African American author Rudolph Fisher. The story was originally published in 1935 in the Metropolitan Magazine. The story is the sole companion work of his most famous novel, The Conjure-Man Dies. In...
"Miss Cynthie" is a short story originally published in Story Magazine in 1933. It's publication was controversial to some, because it was written by an African American author, Rudolph Fisher. At this time, it was often seen as unacceptable for...
The Walls of Jericho is the debut novel of author and physician Rudolph Fisher. The book, originally published in 1928, inspired Langston Hughes to title Fisher one of the wittiest authors of the Harlem Renaissance. Fisher is well known for his...