"Beauty and the Beast" and Other Tales Background

"Beauty and the Beast" and Other Tales Background

Beauty and the Beast and Other Tales includes a story of Beauty and the Beast that was extended by the author. This version is the most well known, the plot of it is used for most movies covering the story.

Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont is a French author born on April 26, 1711. Her mother died when she was just eleven years old, which led her to be tutored by two wealthy women. After her mentoring term was over, she became a prestigious singing teacher to children at the Court of the Duke of Lorraine.

Leprince de Beaumont had her first marriage in 1737 to the dancer Antoine Malter. Details of her second marriage are quite unclear, but it is known that a daughter named Elisabeth came out of this marriage. Her third and final marriage was to that of Thomas Pichon, the French spy. Pichon inspired Leprince de Beaumont to write a detective story, featuring his name, but not all of the details were true in real life.

Her first work being published in 1748, her most successful work was Beauty and the Beast. Although she was not the original author, she created the most well known version. In this book, Beauty and the Beast and Other Tales, the other tales include, Prince Darling, The Curiosity, Prince Fatal and Prince Fortune, Prince Charming, The Widow and her Two Daughters, Prince Hyacinth and the Dear Little Princess, Aurore and Aimée, The Tale of the Three Wishes, The Tale of the Fisherman and the Traveler, Prince Tity, Prince Spiritue, and Belote and Laidronette.

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