Being and Nothingness Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is exsitentialism?

    Existentialism is a philosophical school of thought that explores the meaning of human existence. Often, existential arguments will start with an assertion that everything is meaningless, which is why this word is often associated with existential dread. However, from there existentialists assert that this lack of meaning gives us full autonomy over our lives and choices, but that this freedom can be a double-edged sword.

  2. 2

    What is the difference between being-in-itself and being-for-itself, according to Sartre?

    Sartre differentiates between the concept of being-in-itself and being-for-itself. He defines being-in-itself as something that is immutable and unconscious. For example, this might be a tree or a chair.

    Being-for-itself is something that is conscious of itself and knows that it is conscious. In this way, it is constantly changing and is therefore never complete. This is the state of being that humans exist in, which has its pros and cons.

  3. 3

    What does Sartre write about freedom?

    Part of Sartre's existential argument is the fact that things in the world as objectively meaningless, which therefore gives humans agency over their own lives. This sense of freedom can be a positive force, as it allows people to decide how they will react to the events of their lives, and what kind of life they would like to have. However, this freedom can also be a curse, as it requires us to have responsibility for our lives and choices.

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