1 Who wrote Black Samurai? Robert Sand James Denning Leo Tolstoy Marc Olden 2 When was Black Samurai published? 1984 1974 2014 1994 3 In what year is the first scene of Black Samurai set? 1973 2001 1999 1976 4 What form does Black Samurai take? Novel Play Film TV Series 5 Near which city does the story begin? London Paris New York Tokyo 6 Who is the protagonist? Sensei Toki Bi Robert Sand Colonel Tolstoy 7 What does the first chapter depict? Master Konuma making a deal with President Clarke Colonel Tolstoy raiding three samurai houses Colonel Tolstoy defending himself against a raid Sand kidnapping Toki 8 What breed of dog does Tolstoy use in his mission? Corgi Lab German Shepherd Doberman 9 Why does Tolstoy attack Konuma and his samurai? The samurai have Toki held captive The samurai have Sand held captive The US is at war with Japan He knows they will try to kill him once they learn he has kidnapped Toki 10 How old is Konuma? 100 120 90 80 11 What is Konuma's nickname? The Soft Tiger The Quiet Warrior The Last Sight You See The Silent Sword 12 Which is not a weapon often referenced in the text? M-16 .45 Grenades AK47 13 What does Tolstoy plan to do with Toki? Kill her during his massacre of My Lai Kill her during his massacre of Shown Rescue her from Sand Make her marry him 14 Who survives the raid on the samurai houses? Sand Kuri Maka Konuma 15 Who do the samurai consider the most skilled among them? Toki Sand Maka Kuri 16 What weapon does Sand hold most dear? His grenade launcher His tanto His pistol His rifle 17 What does Konuma call Sand as he dies? My killer My son Sandy Sandayu 18 In what year does Sand meet Konuma? 2001 1973 1999 1966 19 What was Sand's military rank? GI Captain Sergeant Colonel 20 Why is it significant that Sand is Black? He is the first ever Black samurai Tolstoy has a vendetta against Black people It isn't significant; none of the samurai take notice of ethnicity Konuma doesn't trust him because he isn't Japanese 21 What does Sand do when he sees GIs harassing Konuma on the street? He joins in the harassment He fires his gun into the air He tries to intervene He whisks Konuma away 22 How do the harassing GIs treat Sand? They respect his higher rank They tease him for trying to be tough They shoot him in the stomach None of these 23 What does Sand see while writhing in the pain inflicted by the GIs? Konuma runs away Konuma laughs at Sand Konuma beats the men using martial arts Konuma is strangled 24 Who negotiates Sand's release from military service? Clarke Sand's nurse Toki Konuma 25 Why does Konuma want to train Sand? He believes that Sand possesses a special talent and courage His showing on the street was pathetic, and he needs to learn to fight Sand actually forces Konuma to train him He feels he owes it to him