Black Swan (2010 Film) Background

Black Swan (2010 Film) Background

Released on December 3, 2010 in the United States, Black Swan is a psychological horror film directed by Darren Aronofsky. The film, raking in over $325 million at the box office, was produced by Cross Creek Pictures and distributed by Fox Searchlight Pictures. The film is based on the popular romantic ballet Swan Lake, and stars Nathalie Portman as a beautiful ballerina that wants to dance the best. However, things get dramatic and heat up psychologically in the 108 minute film.

Darren Aronofsky was born in 1969 in New York City, and currently works as a filmmaker and a writer. Black Swan was his fifth full-length film, and earned him some positive criticism on it's controversial themes and ideas. The movie, although released in 2010, was in development since 2001 and ended up receiving very good reviews from popular critics, only adding to Aronofsky's reputation.

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