Carol Ann Duffy: Poems

Differences in How Language Creates Images and Rhythms in "Blessing" (Dharker) and "War Photographer" (Duffy) 11th Grade

The following essay will explore the differences and similarities in tonality between the poems “Blessing” by Imtiaz Dharker and “War Photographer” by Carol Ann Duffy through discussing the language that is uses to create certain images and rhythms to help us interpret the poems. Whilst Dharker focuses predominantly on the traumatic experience of living in India where there is a water shortage (until a water pipe bursts), Duffy’s poem is about a photojournalist who is developing images of war in a dark room.

In “Blessing”, the opening image of the poem suggests extreme water shortage or drought. This is suggested through the use of a simile when Darker says that “The skin cracks like a pod”. Firstly, this makes the reader feel empathy towards the people in India as the persona uses the word “skin” to make you think of other humans that are ill and suffering in some way due to the recurring issue of a shortage of water. Also, the idea of being “like a pod” is ironic, because pods have connotations of plants and food which are both things that support life, whereas the dry earth with nothing growing on it, threatens life.

On the other hand, “War Photographer” uses phrases which suggest that the book is form the Isaiah and that...

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