Theme of science
The novel’s protagonist, Avarna Kern, is conducting a scientific experiment to see the possibility of man colonizing other planets. Kern wants to use monkeys and nano-virus to test if they can develop human intelligence on the Kern planet. Despite the discouragement from Sterling, Kern is resolute and goes ahead to conduct her experiment, which yields positive results after 40 years. Tchaikovsky’s novel explores the power of science and human anxiety. Kern represents the mind of scientists who speculate the prospect of relocating part of the global population to other planets to ease congestion and exhaustion of resources.
Theme of Conflict
The theme of conflict is predominant in the novel because the author compares the war between human beings and that of ants against spiders. The war between men involves destroying life, the environment, and even animals caught in the conflict. When humans engage in war, they use heavy machinery that destroys the environment and pollutes the air endangering the ecological world. For instance, the war between the NUNs and the scientists is driven by selfish desires. Each part wants to be victorious using all means without considering the environment's well-being. Consequently, the author hints that political wars are the most dangerous in humanity. The author draws parallel attention and discusses the conflict between spiders and ants. Fascinatingly, the war of ants against spiders promotes assimilation and brings peace and luxury. For instance, each part of the conflict builds a defense system that promotes ecological life and conserves the environment.
The theme of strength of mind
Kern is one character who keeps going when set to achieve a particular objective. When Kern embarks on her project of discovering whether human beings can live in other galaxies, she is discouraged, and many obstacles are put in her way. Additionally, Kern knows that her experiments will take several years before the results come out, but she remains resilient and focused on achieving her ambition. As the book nears completion, the reader discovers that Kern’s project is a success of tens of years of trying.